Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Was that... rain?

Great news for the entire state of New Mexico.... IT RAINED! Everyone was getting a little nervous. There's been no precipitation in who knows how long, I lost count long ago. We got an entire day of rain followed by an almost-entire day of snow. Pretty bizaaro for New Mexico weather. I felt like I was transported back to college in Indiana.

My garlic finally has the chance to grow some roots. I went to the farm for a check-up and dug up a sacrificial clove.  Behold, there were little roots! What a relief. I've been having garlic nightmares. 


The chickens seemed pretty baffled by the snow. They were just little chicks last winter so this was their first snow day. After  about 2 inches fell, not a single chicken would walk outside. Once in a great while, a brave soldier would step out, sink into the snow, squawk, and run back inside. They took their sweet time coming out in the morning as well. Thankfully, none got sick (chickens can catch colds, too!).   

A Leghorn and a Light Brahma poking around
A very cold White Plymouth Rock
Leghorns... always at the gate waiting for food
This German Spitzhauben is looking stumped
And this Buff Orpington is looking quite peeved

And speaking of chickens, I can hear them all out there squawking for dinner. But one more thing!


We're adding a new member to the Zia Manana family! Here is a picture of the biggest sweetheart ever.


When she was a puppy, someone paid someone to toss her out on a highway. Thankfully, she was rescued by Enchantmutts (www.enchantmutts.org) and has been looking for a new home. I found these amazing folks at the Los Ranchos Market and decided it was time for a farm dog. I mean, really... what farm is complete without a farm dog!? But there's a catch. She needs to be trained to protect the chickens and guinea hens, not chase them. Good thing it's winter and I have a lot of time to spare. I can't wait to have her home!


That's all the news for now. Here's Tom with the weather....  (more rain!?)

Happy farming!


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