Thursday, December 30, 2010

Garlic and Guineas!

After their week long absence, the guineas have finally decided to return to their home! I heard reports from the landowner that he watched them go farther and farther away each day... testing their limits I suppose. They were finally spotted a good 4 blocks away! They made their way onto a nearby horse ranch where they probably found a lifetime's supply of bugs. After leaving them enough grain feed to last an eternity, they flew home and are still there as of yesterday afternoon. I really need those pesky birds... they better not get too comfy with those horses.


The garlic is doing great! All this moisture we've been getting is seriously a blessing. Check out this picture of the roots.

Hail the garlic roots!

If you look at a clove next time you're cooking, the roots grow from the little hard part on the end. The green stem shoots out from the pointed tip.  Those bright white roots are a great sign, they  indicate healthy growth. Let's hope it keeps this up until spring. Every day is one day closer to fresh vegetables!


Our new dog Missy is officially part of la familia! We're working on her behavior with the chickens and guineas. Naturally she wants to chase them but she's a quick learner. We've got a sick chicken caged in the house with us and Missy doesn't bother her at all. We think the poor chicken caught a cold but she's getting better every day.

Keeping a tough eye on the farm...

Well, that's all for now. Not much going on in the winter. We've got a nasty storm coming our way any minute, better get the hot chocolate ready.

Happy New Year everyone! Be safe :)


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